
文羽苹 副教授



 文羽苹 副教授
 (03)211-8800 分機 5665



 1990 – 1997    美國威斯康辛大學經濟學博士 
 1987 – 1990   
 1983 – 1987   


 2022.08 - 迄今       長庚大學醫務管理學系副教授 
1997.09 - 2022.07   長庚大學醫務管理學系助理教授
 1997.06 - 1997.07    Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Chulalongkorn University

 1992-1997     Marie Christine Kohler Fellowship                     
                     This is an unique program at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Each year, 12 graduate 
                     students from various disciplines were chosen to live in a beautiful historical site of the old 
                     governor’s mansion built in 1885. The purposes of the program are to encourage the exchange of 
                     ideas across disciplines and to strengthen the leadership of the students. The fellowship is offered 
                     in form of free rooms.
 International Health Economics Association
 American Health Economics Association
 1.  Hsu-Min Tseng, Shu-Fen Liao, Yu-Ping Wen, Yuh-Jue Chuang. Stages of change concept of the Transtheoretical Model for healthy eating links health literacy and diabetes knowledge to glycemic control in people with type 2 diabetes. Primary Care Diabetes (accepted). (SCI IF1.57)
 2.   Sandra S. Liu, Yu-Ping Wen, Soumya Mohan, Jaeyong Bae, Edmund R. Becker. Addressing Medicaid Expansion from the Perspective of Patient Experience in Hospitals. The Patient (accepted). (SCI IF1.902)
 3.  黃智裕,余明治,文羽苹:加護病房及呼吸照護病房病人家屬之期望、經驗與決策考量因素的差異。呼吸治療 2015;14(2):15.
 4.  Chia-Lin Li, Ji-Tian Sheu, Ting-Ann Wang, Yu-Ping Wen, Minston Chao and Hsing-Yi Chang. The Relationship between Healthy Lifestyle and Hospital Utilization among Adults with Diabetes: Results From a National Cohort in Taiwan. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 2015;27(3):303-313. (SSCI IF 1.111)
 5.  Yu-Ping Wen, Ming-Ju Shieh, Hui-Chin Lin, Hsu-Min Tseng. High-Dose and Long-Term Users of Hypnotic and Sedative Drugs among Taiwanese outpatients: Prevalence and Correlates from a population-based Analysis. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 2013 (Accepted). NSC 101-2410-H-182-025.
 6.  江東亮,文羽苹,謝嘉容: 全民健康保險制度的發展與問題。台灣醫學 2014;18.(已接受)
 7.  文羽苹,黃旭明,江東亮:台灣醫療健保支出成長率的分析:醫療通膨,質量與工平性。台灣公共衛生雜誌2012;31(1):1-10。(TSSCI)
 8.  Yu-Ping Wen, Shiow-Ying Wen. Do Closed-system Hospitals Shift Care under Prospective Payment? Early Experience from Five Surgeries in Taiwan. Chang Gung Medical Journal 2008;31(1):91-101.  NSC 89-2415-H-182-004.
 9.  Shiow-Ying Wen, Yu-Ping Wen. Compensation Management Strategy under Alternative Payment Schemes: A Case from an Integrated Hospital Organization. International Journal of Business and Strategy, 2007;8(1):119-129.
10.  楊涵妃,文羽苹:台灣西醫基層診所執業型態的變化:1998年與2003年。臺灣公共衛生雜誌2007;26(2):161-168。 (TSSCI)
11.  林美珠,沈昱名,文羽苹,史麗珠:支付制度對醫療資源耗用的探討—以闌尾切除術為例。醫務管理期刊2006;7(3):306-322
12.  文羽苹,許玫玲:預防保健的成本效益評估:以乳癌篩檢為例。臺灣公共衛生雜誌2005;24(6):519:528。(TSSCI)
 .  文羽苹:總額支付制度對中醫醫療市場競爭之影響。行政院衛生署中醫藥年報2005; 23:(3):363-406。
13. 文羽苹,江東亮:全民健康保險學術資料庫基本檔的應用經驗。臺灣公共衛生雜誌2002;21(2):150-155。(TSSCI)
14. 盧瑞芬,文羽苹:臺灣醫療服務產業相關資料庫的比較分析。調查研究2003;14:113-132。
15. Yu-Ping Wen, Ming-Ju Shieh, Hui-Chin Lin, Hsu-Min Tseng. Using Prescription Data to Identify High-Dose and Long-Term User of Hypnotic and Sedative Drugs: The Case of Taiwan. Currently under revision.
16. Yu-Ping Wen. Does the Decision Joining Group Practice Increase Physicians' Insurance Revenue? Currently under revision.
Mei-Ling Sheu, Yu-Ping Wen (2004). A Reform Blueprint for the National Health Insurance Preventive Care Resource Allocation. In Mei-Shu Lai ed., Allocation and Appropriate Utilization of Health Care Resources of National Helath Insurance, first edition, pp. 210-59. Taipei, Department of Health, Executive Yuan.
Yu-Ping Wen (2008).A Case Study of the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital’s Traditional Chinese Medicine
Inpatient Services. In Oliver H.M. Yau, Chin-Horng Chan eds, Case Studies of the Formosa Plastics Group volume 2, first edition, pp. 58-77. Taipei, Yuan-Liou Publishing Co.
 1.  Yu-Ping Wen, Sandra S. Liu, Jitian Sheu, Hong-Huei Wang, J. Rachel Lu. Continuity of Care and Pay-For-Performance: An Old Idea Showed Stronger Saving-Effect than a New Policy. European Conference on Health Economics 2016. Hamburg, July 13 -16, 2016.
 2.  Yu-Ping Wen, Yu-Bin Bai, Ming-Chu Hsieh, Jitian Hsu. Market Competition, Information, and New Drug Prescriptions: the case of Zolpidem. The International Health Economics Association,11th World Conference, Milan, July 2015
 3.   Yu-Ping Wen, Sandra S. Liu, J. Rachel Lu, Hong-Huei Wang. An Analysis on Physicians' Participation in Pay-for-Performance Program for Diabetes Mellitus Treatment. Western Economic Association International's 10th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference. Tokyo, March 14-17, 2013.
 4.   Yu-Ping Wen, Sandra S. Liu, J. Rachel Lu. Pay-for-Performance and Patient-Selection: Implications on Payment Design. European Conference on Health Economics 2012. Zurich, July 18-21, 2012. 
 5.   Wen, Yu-Ping. Market Competition and "Physicain-Enabled-Demand": An Analysis of Flunitrazepam Prescriptions in Taiwan. European Conference on Health Economics 2012. Zurich, July 18-21,2012.
 6.  Wen, Yu-Ping. A Panel Analysis of User Characteristics and Prescription Patterns for Hypnotic and Sedative Drugs in Taiwan. The Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research 2011 Conference. Bangkok, June 2011.
 7.  溫秀英,文羽苹:醫療財團法人的財務狀況分析---以長庚醫院為例。台北大學《管理評論》第一屆管理個案研討會。
 8.  Wen, Yu-Ping. Does Joining Group Practice Increase Physicians’ Insurance Revenue? The International Health Economics Association, 7th World Conference, Beijing, July 2009
 9  Wen, Yu-Ping. Group Practice and Physician Practice Income: Who Join Group Practice? American Society of Health Economists (ASHE), 2nd Biennial Conference, Durham, July 2008.  
 10.    Wen, Yu-Ping. Group Practice in Taiwan: Geographic Distribution and Scale. The International Health Economics Association, 6th World Conference, Copenhagen, July 2007.
 11.    Wen, Yu-Ping. Economic Incentives and Physician Distribution: A Case of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The International Health Economics Association, 5th World Conference, Barcelona, July 2005.
 12.   Wen, Yu-Ping, Lin, Kuan-Ling, and Hsieh, Tsang-Tang. Factors Associated with Cesarean Section: Mothers’ Working Status versus Physicians’ Decision. A 10-year Longitudinal Analysis. The 4th Global Conference on Business and Economics, Cambridge, May 2005.
 13.   Wen, Yuping, Ya-Seng Hsueh, and Ching-Feng Chiang. 2001, “Physician Reimbursement in Vertically Integrated Health Care Systems—A Survey of Taiwan”. Accepted by the International Health Economics Association, 3rd World Conference.
 14.   Wen, Yuping and Shiow-Ying Wen. 1999, “Hospital Response to Case Payment”. Presented in the International Health Economics Association, 2nd World Conference.
 15.     Wen, Yuping and Shiow-Ying Wen. “Hospital Response to Case Payment: Care-Shifting from Regulated to Non-Regulated Section?” 1999, Taipei International Conference on Health Economics.
 16.  文羽苹,薛亞聖,江靜楓:臺灣的醫師費制度初探。2002,中研院經濟所:醫院產業研討會。
 17. 文羽苹,江東亮:市場供給、醫療院所特性與健保申報。2002,第六屆經濟發展學術研討會。 
 1.  老人持續性醫療使用之探討: 健康或偏好?國科會NSC 88-2415-H-182-001, 1998/08/01-1999/07/31。
 2.  醫師費制度與論病例計酬制度下醫院門、住診費用之移轉I。國科會NSC 89-2415-H-182-002, 1999/08/01~2000/9/30。
 3.  江東亮,文羽苹:醫師與病床供給對醫療費用總額之影響。行政院衛生署八十九年度委托研究計畫。
      DOH-CA-1003  2000/6/01~2001/7/31。
 4.  醫師費制度與論病例計酬制度下醫院門、住診費用之移轉II。國科會 NSC 89-2415-H-182-004,2000/8/01~2001/10/31。
 5.  許玫玲,文羽苹:預防保健成本效益與醫療資源配置。行政院二代健保規劃小組,2002/2/01~2002/11/30。
 6.  黃月桂,許光宏,王惠玄,文羽苹,白裕彬:建立牙醫及中醫門診總額支付制度績效指標。全民健保醫療費用協定委員會
 7.  莊逸洲,林昭庚,張永賢,施純全,張恒鴻,楊賢鴻,盧瑞芬,郭正全,文羽苹:建立中醫醫療品質規範之相關問題與
 8.  文羽苹:現代管理理論個案製作與教學方法之研究(子計劃九):醫療產業因應健保政策之個案研究(3/4)
 9.  文羽苹:總額支付制度對中醫醫療市場競爭之影響。行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會93年度中醫藥研究計畫
10. 文羽苹:現代管理理論個案製作與教學方法之研究(子計劃九):醫療產業因應健保政策之個案研究(4/4)
11. 孫茂峰,曾旭民,文羽苹,楊建中,李科宏,薛宏昇:中醫臨床標準作業程序及療效評估:以氣喘、腦中風、腦性麻痺
12. 孫茂峰,曾旭民,文羽苹,楊建中,李科宏,薛宏昇:中醫臨床標準作業程序及療效評估:以氣喘、腦中風、腦性麻痺
13. 文羽苹:台灣婦女婚育抉擇與晚年居住型態的推估。國科會97年度研究計畫成果報告2006/8/1~2008/7/31

