The department especially provides graduate students with a supportive and encouraging environment for learning and research. Private office areas are reserved and equipped with easy-accessed internet services for the graduate students. Through our continuing efforts in providing the leading world-class knowledge, we have a rich and diverse range of books and journals available in the library of Chang Gung University, which is ranked at the top of all health care research institutions in Taiwan.
Health Internationale Laboratory
Globalization has brought about ever increasing exchanges of human and material resources among nations, while issues of international cooperation and regulation also arise. A diplomatic embargo has prevented Taiwan from accessing critical information in the global community, not to mention protecting its people’s welfare in the international arena. Thus, valuable exchanges of information as well as experiences have often relied entirely on non-governmental organizations. Research issues on health care in the context of globalization present immense opportunities for exploration.
The objectives of the Health Internationale Laboratory (HIL) are: (1) to extend international perspectives of health affairs at Chang Gung University and its affiliated hospitals; (2) to facilitate international exchanges on health affairs; (3) to promote leadership and intellectual development in the management of international health affairs. Following the theme of health affairs, HIL will focus on, but not be limited by, issues on regional studies, international affairs, non-government/non-profit organizations management, etc. Through collaborative efforts, HIL expects to integrate research issues currently dispersed in various academic disciplines and agencies, as well as to facilitate consensus among associated organizations on directions in promoting health for all across nations.
Faculty: Hui-Hsuan Irene Wang ( Assistant Professor) Yuh-Bin Bai ( Assistant Professor )
TEL: (03)2118800 ext 3302 |
Health Databank Laboratory
To manage patients’ care effectively, and efficiently, clinicians and managers need reliable information about health care quality and treatment outcomes. The Healthcare Databank Management Laboratory aims to combine expertise in statistics, database management, questionnaire design, and program evaluation to offer in-depth information with which to improve healthcare quality. The Lab’s goals focus on database management related to healthcare issues and include the following activities:
Primary data collection: Perform surveys and field studies on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) issues to provide in-depth information about patients' health outcomes.
Management and analyses of secondary data: Existing nationwide databases of health topics are gathered and managed. Data retrieval systems are developed to obtain meaningful findings.
Implement professional training programs to promote the adoption of health outcome measurements.
Fosterprofessional relationships and ensure information exchange with other institutions and laboratories in Taiwan.
Faculty: TEL: (03)2118800 ext 3306 |
Health Informatics Laboratory
The revolution of information technology has had a great impact on the operation and management of healthcare organizations. The ability to manage information technology in a healthcare setting has become a basic competence for healthcare participators.
The objective of the Healthcare Informatics Laboratory is to promote theoretical research and practical applications in the healthcare domain. Research areas include:
1.Healthcare 1.Management Information Systems
2.Healthcare Decision Support Systems
3.Healthcare Knowledge management
Faculty: TEL: (03)2118800 ext 3304 |
Health Administration and PolicyLaboratory
With the coming phenomenon of the aging society and the senior people being the target population of the health care industry, our laboratory has set forth to promote research in population health and longevity, explore the relationships between life span, diseases, and the environment, and to analyze the incidence probabilities of various disease and functional disability. Based upon the findings of our research, we can compute healthy life tables and develop simulation models for health care expenditure projection. Moreover, we are devoted to conducting economic analyses of current national health insurance(NHI) policies and the market structure of the healthcare industry, and further to assess the impact of relevant NHI policies on healthcare industry and managerial strategies. In addition, through collaboration with international research teams, we also research on comparative health system performance in the Asia Pacific region.
To facilitate academic intellectual exchange and promote and disseminate research findings, our laboratory hosts a biweekly seminar on healthcare administration and policy, in which our faculty members and invited speakers present the most up-to-date research results. Recent presentation topics cover ageing and morbidity, long-term care financing, equity performance of national health systems, group practice and prescription behaviors of physicians, and hospital competition.
Faculty: TEL: (03)2118800 ext 5272 |